I don't understand the entire "crowdsourcing" phenomena at all because I understand economics.
That being said, I have contributed to some crowdsourced projects at levels that took projects from "3 days away from death" to "fully funded".
The results were generally disappointing. The "artists" often seemed to lack the drive to finish the project once it was fully funded, and when the projects were finished, they had an air of great ordinariness about them.
If asked my advice, I'd say that cooking a hamburger over burning dollar bills will probably yield greater satisfaction than playing "angel" to nincompoops, but I had to learn this lesson the hard way.
Read the projects listing on KickStarter if you enjoy laughing at stupid ideas.
GoFundMe is "The Island of Lost Causes", IN MY OPINION.
"I'm sad -- send me money -- I'm STILL sad -- send me more."